
  • Marsha Jankinson

    Verified Buyer

    Works like a charm for me

    I bought a bottle of Probiozen a month ago as a test run to see if it can help me with my intestinal problems. By the time I finished the bottle, I felt considerable improvement. Without going into details, I’ll just say that I am now leading a normal life without thinking in advance “what if”. If someone reading this review has the same IBS problems as me – try it, maybe it’ll help you too.

    Was This Review Helpful ?30
  • Clark Mathews

    Verified Buyer

    I forgot about my intestinal problems

    I’ve had suffered from constipation for as long as I remember and tried many laxatives. Alas, none of the effective one worked without side effects, so I made up my mind to try Probiozen. It did wonders to my stomach and now I don’t use any laxatives at all. This is my third order and apart from solving my intestinal problems, this drug also helped me shed some additional weight. I don’t know how it worked, but I’m happy it did.

    Was This Review Helpful ?90
  • Lee Arnolds

    Verified Buyer

    Came back to get some more bottles

    I decided to drop a line since I’m on this page anyway. I have had depression and IBS for several years now. My wife found and bought this supplement for me to try something natural. To my surprise, it worked. I feel less depressed and don’t experience discomforts from my bowel movements anymore. However, I also must say that it took around a month and a half to get to a place where I can actually feel the results.

    Was This Review Helpful ?50
  • Mica R.

    Verified Buyer

    Helped me with depression and weight loss

    I was recommended by my physician to try this supplement because I’ve hit a wall on my weight loss journey. Naturally, the depression followed, so I took the advice and bought a bottle. And what do you know – in a couple of weeks the weight started to go away slowly. Not at a crazy rate, but still. Slow progress is still progress! My depression is also disappearing. So yeah, I can say that it did help me.

    Was This Review Helpful ?120
  • Sara Goldberg

    Verified Buyer

    My husband feels much better now

    I bought this medication for my husband who had many health problems, including problems with the heart, additional weight, and high cholesterol. I bought a pack of six bottles because it is cheaper this way. I am writing to let everyone know that my Barry feels much better after two months of taking the pills. He says he breathes more easily and I noticed that he lost some weight.

    Was This Review Helpful ?81
  • Khareem D.

    Verified Buyer

    It made my life easier

    Probiozen made my life easier because it helped me get rid of diarrhea, which I experienced from time to time, but always unexpectedly. Now I don’t have to worry about not eating before the important events or always carrying TP with me. It saved me from embarrassing situations and I am forever grateful for that.

    Was This Review Helpful ?180